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Re: [ARSCLIST] Asperger's Syndrome (was How Vinyl Records Are Made Part 1)

If this is true,were you diagnosed ? If so,when ? Hans Asperger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Asperger published his first papers in 1944,and  they were translated,by the early-mid 50s.There is also documentation,by both Kanner,and Asperger,of autoimmune disease in these children.I was diagnosed,in 1967,by a psychologist,out of John's Hopkin's/Shepherd Pratt,who was visiting the Baltimore County Public Schools,screening suspected children.
  Roger Kulp

steven c <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Actually, to some extent it was a relief when I found out I probably
had (and thus still have) Asperger's! I'd been thought of as "weird"
(with good reason) all though my school days (except that I was attending
Francis W. Parker School in Chicage, where most of the students were
weird!) and especially after I wound up suffering through adolescence in
Waynesville, Illinois, a town of 510 people, where I was considered both
a genius and a weirdo outcast! I could think of any number of explanations
for my outcast status as I grew up...but hadn't realized the possibility
of a biological cause might exist. Back in Waynesville, you were either
sane (or thought you were, anyway, whether or not you really were)...or
else you were crazy, and they took you away to Lincoln to the "funny farm"
and locked you up for the rest of your born days. No "in betweens!"

I've always said that what happened was: back in the fifties, everybody
thought I was weird. Then the sixties came along, it was cool to be weird,
so I was cool!

And if nothing else my obessions and compulsions improve my discographic

Steven C. Barr
(who else would have accumlated a thousand or so Grey Gull-pressed

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