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Re: [ARSCLIST] Asperger's Syndrome (was How Vinyl Records Are Made Part 1)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> If this is true,were you diagnosed ? If so,when ? Hans Asperger
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Asperger published his first papers in
1944,and  they were translated,by the early-mid 50s.There is also
documentation,by both Kanner,and Asperger,of autoimmune disease in these
children.I was diagnosed,in 1967,by a psychologist,out of John's
Hopkin's/Shepherd Pratt,who was visiting the Baltimore County Public
Schools,screening suspected children.
>   Roger Kulp
Never officially diagnosed. I was a "child prodigy"...taught myself how to
read, write (including non-touch typewriting) and do simple artithmetic
at the age of 2-1/2, and recall a few early visits to child psychologists
(or I assume that is what they were) before I started first grade. There
were enough odd features about my early life to explain any behavioral
oddities...and it wasn't until we had to leave Chicago (my father had
"gone broke" and we could no longer afford private schooling or other
such oddities) that I realized I was a total stranger to fitting in
socially (which would have been problematic in Waynesville, a town of
about 500 people, under the best of conditions!). As well, I started
first grade in 1948, and we left Chicago for Waynesville in 1954;
as well, Waynesville, like most North American small towns, is
both ill-equipped to deal with any sort of mental health situations
and doesn't exactly encourage its residents to investigate such. It's
tacitly assumed you're either "sane" or "crazy"...and in the latter
case either your family cares for (and hides) you, or you're locked
up in the "funny farm" for the rest of your life!

About five years ago, a social worker/counselor heard my life story
from me and suggested I look up "Asperger's Syndrome" on the Internet.
When I did, I found I met a lot of the listed characteristics...and
a couple of years ago I had the opportunity to take an all-day
course on Asperger's at our local Community College...and to speak
at length with the instructor, an expert in the field. It was her
opinion that I had suffered (and was still suffering...the brain
doesn't "rewire itself!") from the condition. There is very little
in the way of research or help for autistic adults! However, the
increased occurence of autoimmune conditions would at least
explain my early onset of osteoarthritis.

So, I've always known I was crazy...but at least I finally know why!

Steven C. Barr

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