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Re: [ARSCLIST] Classical Radio, was [ARSCLIST] Mercury co-founder Irving Green passes

Tom,Very interesting stuff,but I would say you are placing far too much blame,with FM rock radio.(I seem to be the only serious rock collector/listener here.)I would argue, that much of the blame can be placed,on the shoulders of the big corporate record companies,in the 70s and 80s,and the fact,that most classical radio stations,stick to mostly newer recordings.Classical recording,began to die,a slow death,about the time Dynagroove came in.Solid state recording equipmment,RCA's dreaded DynaFloppies, Quadraphonic,overmiking,and other factors,made even digital sound promising.Admit it.Other than the Wilkinson-produced Solti/CSOs,and the ones produced by old Gunther Whatshisname,at DG.I can think of few post-1965 classical records,I would enjoy listening to.What about you?There are not enough collectors,or audiophiles,in radio to know what really good records,are supposed to sound like,because the classical labels have produced such dreck,for so long.
  My $0.02 worth,
  Roger Kulp
Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Anyway, bottom line is I totally agree with David -- modern FM processing techniques are totally 
inappropriate for older music recordings. Our words fall on totally deaf mega-glomerate ears, 
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