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Re: [ARSCLIST] Ken Goldstein record producer- was Harry & Jeanie West

Thank you for setting the record straight. Obviously, I was mistaken.

I think the source of my confusion was this description from Michael Brocken's discussion of the Topic releases in "The British Folk Revival 1944-2002" (Ashgate, 2003):

"In fact, somewhat ironically most of these early folk music recordings were actually made possible by an American academic by the name of Kenneth Goldstein. He had a scheme for the WMA [the Worker's Music Association, which operated Topic Records] to act as agents for a series of folk song recordings that he had undertaken for the small U.S. Stinson label. On behalf of the WMA, Ewan MacColl and Bert Lloyd supervised the recordings. Record Producer Bill Leader:

Three sets of 10" LPs were completed under the Stinson deal...The Stinson deal came to an end prematurely, but Kenny Goldstein negotiated a new deal with Riverside Records. This led to a steady flow of material between the WMA and the American market, but a clause in the new contract limited the WMA to releasing locally only one track from each LP. This clause (which seemed to be of little consequence to the WMA, then pursuing a modest programmer of 78 releases) would eventually reduce the supply of possible material to the slowly developing LP catalogue." (pages 57-58)

My apologies for spreading my own confusion.

Incidentally, Brocken says nothing about any Topic use of Harry & Jeannie West material.

John Ross

At 7/14/2006 10:47 AM, you wrote:
John Ross's comment regarding the recordings produced by Ken Goldstein is incorrect - my recollection was that he worked as producer for the companies (Stinson, Riverside, Prestige, etc.) and did not produce sessions independently of those sponsors. The exception is field recordings done in connection with his folkmusic/lore studies - some of these (such as the Lucy Stewart recordings on Folkways) were made available to interested record companies.

Following is a copy of correspondence from Rochelle Goldstein, Ken's wife:

Subject: Re: Kenneth S Goldstein record producer REPLY
Dear Tom,
Your take on the record productions is correct. John Ross is mistaken to say that Kenny produced any recordings independently. He always worked for the record companies at a stipend to produce the recordings. He had no further financial interests in the recording industry. The Harry & Jeannie West recordings were done for Stinson (in the early '50's, as I remember). Kenny introduced many performers to the recording industry, but had no personal financial involvement. As a matter of interest, the reissuing of recordings that Kenny edited (ie: Woody Guthrie, Richard Dyer-Bennett, Burl Ives. Leadbelly), were paid at the magnificent fee of $5/album, (which included Kenny painstakingly transcribing the words). How's that for financial reward?
......... Rochelle

Best wishes, Thomas.

Date:         Mon, 10 Jul 2006 19:04:32 -0700
Reply-To:     Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
Sender:       Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
From:         John Ross
Subject:      Re: Harry & Jeanie West

At  7/10/2006 09:26 AM, you wrote:
>>produced by Kenneth S. Goldstein for Bob Harris-Stinson Records.
>>outtakes issued by Topic =??? (statement in OH liner notes, unverified
>>no H&JW recordings listed in Topic discography)

It is my understanding that Ken Goldstein produced many of his
recordings independently, and sold them separately to Topic in the UK
and to Stinson, Riverside, Prestige and other labels in the U.S. In
some cases, he packaged material from the same sessions differently
for the separate releases. It's possible that he tried to sell some
H&J West stuff  to Topic, but it was never released.

John Ross

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