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Re: [ARSCLIST] Community Radio

The depressing thing is,this extends to what they are told by corporate media,and thier government "leaders" 
  Roger Kulp

phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  The public will buy what they are told to buy. If they package and produce 
enough, and force it on the radio, people will buy. They need to add some 
studio special affects, some pretty faces and they can recycle all these old 

> Bottom line is, there might be hope for our oft lament: languishing out of 
> print copyrighted commercial music. Under the Long Tail theory, the Big 
> Music mega-glomerates will wake up to the fact that there is demand for 
> this stuff, though small compared to their "mainstream" offerings, and 
> will make it available in some cheap/efficient manner (ie iTunes). As I've 
> said numerous times, my fear is that the quality level will be leagues 
> worse than the master media and even worse than the original release 
> media.
> Anyway, a little veered from the Community Radio topic, but it started 
> there! ;)
> -- Tom Fine

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