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Re: [ARSCLIST] Community Radio

I just tuned in for the past two minutes, and heard sevral of my pet peeves about community radio - low voiced announcers who don't turn up their mic, squeaky studio chairs, and music ten times louder than the voice... but the sound is good and the music fine!

Tell Sara Finke to speak up a bit - and don't start sentences with "And" if she can.

Thanks for the link, these are really petty problems. If the music is good one can ignore the announcers... when they are too soft.


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Jul 13, 2006, at 11:31 AM, H. Duane Goldman wrote:

I urge all to visit one the the finest independent radio stations in the country: KDHX in St. Louis; http://www.kdhx.org.

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