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Re: [ARSCLIST] Community Radio

At 7/12/2006 06:23 AM, David Lewis wrote:
These stations, in a lot of cases, have been around for decades, a leftover
from the 60s and 70s approach to expanding access to media in the public
interest. The RIAA have not come after us full-bore quite yet - I don't know
the details, but right now a decision as how to collect from stations like
WCBN is tabled.

For broadcast, RIAA is not the issue. BMI and ASCAP (and SESAC to a lesser extent) are. Radio stations are obligated to pay owners of copyright on compositions for the right to broadcast, but not the owners of copyrights on recordings.

It is my understanding that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting pays a blanket fee to ASCAP and BMI (and SESAC?) that covers all noncommercial radio stations, including those that do not otherwise qualify for CPB support.

Unfortunately, the reporting process is structured so that composers and songwriters whose work might be widely broadcast on community radio stations will never receive a fair share of royalties.

Streaming a radio station on the Internet opens up a whole different set of royalty obligations. That's where the RIAA get involved. Ultimately, streaming audio services (both radio stations and independents) will have to pay for the right to use recordings, but the amount, and the mechanics of collecting and distributing payments remain to be determined.

John Ross

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