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[ARSCLIST] Free 7" reel tapes

Hello all -

You may remember me saying I would have free 7" reel tapes available,
well they're ready. All contain classical music and mostly LP dubs from
the 70s & 80s. Some have FM airchecks and some are live performances.
Here's what I have:

Scotch 150 - 47 reels
Scotch 200 - 26 reels
Scotch 203 - 11 reels
assorted Scotch 206, 200, 201, 202 - 6 reels
TDK - 2 1800'(unopened), 1 1200'
Maxell 35-90 - 7 reels + 1 reel 18-180
Ampex 455 - 1 reel
Realistic SuperTape (silver box) - 12 reels (1800s & 2400s + 1 1200
Realistic (red box) - 11 reels (1200s & 1800s)
Audiotape acetate - 5 reels
misc Capitol, ConcertTape, etc - 13 reels

Here's the deal - FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. You pay Media Mail shipping
plus a trivial handling fee (after all, I've got to provide cartons and
drive to the PO). I go to the PO and find out what the shipping is for
your tapes and bill you. I will accept Paypal (to lani_spahr@xxxxxxxxx)
or a personal check to Lani Spahr, 140 School Street, Concord, NH
I'm sure I can trust you all to pay up, otherwise you'll get savaged in
the newsgroup. :-)

Agreed? You can have as many as you want. Please specify 1st and 2nd
choice, in case what you want is already spoken for. I just can't bear
to throw this stuff into a land fill. Oh yes, none have sticky shed

There is a time limit, so don't procrastinate. Whatever is still here
by next Tuesday (July 4) will get thrown out - I don't want this to go
on all summer.


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