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Re: [ARSCLIST] Stereo records.

Alec McLane wrote:

> At 08:51 PM 6/17/2006, seva wrote:
> >At 8:10 PM -0400 6/17/06, steven c wrote:
> >>Wonder if John Cage sued over the editing
> >>of his
> >>  > "4'33"?
> >
> >
> >there was a recent case where someone excerpted a recording of the
> >4'33", and attributed it to cage, but did not ask permission, nor
> >pay royalties.  they were sued successfully by the publisher.  and
> >as it should be.
> Not from a recording, actually, and the suit was settled out of
> court. The composer was Mike Batt, who simply credited a 1-minute
> silent track on his album, Classical Graffiti, to Batt/Cage.
> Here's an informative Wikipedia entry on the piece:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4%2733%22
> which points to this BBC story on the lawsuit:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/2276621.stm
> Alec

Needless to say, I was kidding when I referred to a jukebox disc of blank
grooves as being an edited version of the Cage piece and I'm sure Mike Batt was
as well. Copyright lawyers ain't got no sense of humor (duck, Lenny!). Didn't
the "Kazoophony" album feature a twelve-second version of  4'33" and justify it
on the grounds that a twelve-second sample was allowable with no payment (under
whatever laws applied in Canada at the time)?


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