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[ARSCLIST] headphones revisited


I'm not sure these are useful for studio work, but might be extremely useful for field recordings of things like interviews or environmental audio. Not to mention your iPod.

Is there any science on the hearing-damage ramifications of these noise-cancelling phones? Do they allow lower-SPL listening or are they putting out more SPL to cancel outside noises?

BTW, speaking of iPods, there was just a very good segment about them on PBS Newshour. I think anyone serious about making an audio archive public needs to consider the needs of the iPod-type device, as far as web-accessibility, file formats, audio considerations, etc. 50 MILLION iPods sold since it was introduced. I figure that equates to 35 million or so unique users. If that's not a mass market and a mass medium, I don't know what is.

-- Tom Fine

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