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Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recording Preservation Board (NRPB) Study

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Cox" <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I disagree here. The cost of management is basically a cost per item (or
> file). The number of bytes in a file has little effect.
> As storage disks get bigger, the same number of files on the same number
> of disks can be of higher quality with no extra cost. 
> A high quality file might be at most six times the size of a low quality
> audio file. Now compare the change in disk capacity from the 5 1/4 inch
> floppies of 20 years ago to the DVDs of today. 
Almost correct...but not quite! There still exists an effective "per
byte" cost for stored files...a 500GB drive costs more than a 40GB,
and a DVD-RW more than a CD-RW.

I have about 80,000 78 sides to (eventually) archive in digital form.
As moderate-quality MP3 files of, say, 500KB each...I would need
about 40,000MB...or 40GB, which I could store on a single not-too-
expensive drive. Wav files would be (I think) about 20 times the
size, or .8TB (for I don't know how much...).

Steven C. Barr

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