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Re: [ARSCLIST] New U.S. Copyright Laws

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The more I read, the more confusing it all seems to me. I wonder, what
> would it take to adequately monitor the internet for all such
> "transgression?" I think about how we can't even afford enough police to
> patrol our neighborhood. I wonder if the recording industry should pay for
> internet police...oops, I guess with my own small label, that could mean
> me...I wonder if that will mean a tax...probably not, I guess the cost
> will just be dumped on the general population like always...
Interestingly, Canada DOES have a tax on recordable media and the devices
that record them...and, IIRC, this has been used as a precedent for
dismissing copyright-infringement suits (much to the dismay of CRIA et al!).

However, the money was, in theory, to be divided among musicians who
had recorded...and little if any has ever been put into the hands of
such folks (I think I might be owed about 23 cents?)!

I think what the music industry is hoping for some sort of implanted
microchip that can identify not only when the installee is listening
to music...but can also, using non-audible identifying data, report
back the identity of the music along with any parties that are supposed
to be paid any royalties.

There are a few bugs still to be worked out, though...here in Toronto
everyone who heard a streetcar ringing its gong was billed for royalties
due the publisher of "The Trolley Song"...along with still confusing
"Clair de Lune" with "Night and Day"...

Steven C. Barr

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