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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio equipment cable shielding

At 03:04 PM 4/18/2006, Dave Garland wrote:

That's true and make sure you have adequate grounds such as
a copper strap connecting all components.  All connections to
the ground should be silver soldered.

Hi, Dave,

If you have to go to those ends, there is something wrong with:
  The system design
  The equipment
  The power system

The only reason, IMHO, to go to those extremes is at a transmitter plant, and I was part of team that successfully designed how to put standard broadcast audio equipment in the control room of a Voice of America shortwave transmitter (relay) station when the transmitter hall outside had ten 500,000 watt transmitters. I was lead engineer for the audio and control room portion of the design. And yes, we did limited things like you describe, but not inside the control room.

IMHO if you need silver solder and there is a difference between silver and lead solder, the noise currents are flowing in the wrong places.



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Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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