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[ARSCLIST] Donate to the Silent Auction!

Please Donate Materials for the 2006 Silent Auction

With the 40th Annual ARSC Conference right around the corner (May
17-20), I'd like to ask everyone to consider donating one or more items
for the Silent Auction, ARSC's biggest fundraiser. 

The Silent Auction has become an eagerly anticipated event at our annual
conferences. Each year, hundreds of items are offered for sale to the
highest bidders. Books, CDs, vintage 78 rpm & LP records, audio products
and related items are all available, and incredible bargains can often
be had! 

Donations need not be new, but should be clean and in good condition.
All proceeds go to ARSC, which is a non-profit, 501.C.3 organization. If
you are attending the conference, you may drop off your auction items at
the appropriate tables in the exhibit area where you will also have the
option of setting minimum bids. 

Even if you are not able to attend the conference, you may still make a
donation, but please hurry.  If you plan to ship materials, they should
probably be in the mail by the first week of May. Please make sure any
packages are clearly labeled "ARSC Silent Auction" and ship to: 

Laurel Sercombe


Music Building, Rm. 102

School of Music Box 353450

Seattle, WA 98195-3450

(If your shipper demands a street address, please let them know that
there is no street address other than Music Building and that all local
carriers know the university campus and deliver here daily!)

If you have any additional questions about shipping, please contact
Laurel Sercombe (Local Arrangements Co-Chair): julius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;

If you have questions of a general nature about the auction, please
contact Kurt Nauck (ARSC Conference Manager): Nauck@xxxxxxxxxx 

Thank you for supporting ARSC!


Brenda Nelson-Strauss



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