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Re: [ARSCLIST] Poor sounding concert halls.

Hmmm, interesting proposition - but do actors cost more or less than musicians? It has always seemed to me that acting takes less talent and skill than playing muscial instruments (especially in larger professional organizations such as symphomies) and yet the good or famous actors demand more pay.

Imagine the headaches getting actors to accurately pretend to play their specific parts. Remember old lovies where they wiggle thier hands over a piano when it is obvious they can't play!

Never mind, drifting off topic...

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Apr 13, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Karl Miller wrote:

I have often wondered if organizations that usually make use of musicians
(opera, symphony, ballet, etc.) might not save some money by just using
canned music and hiring a bunch of non-musicians, dressing them up in
suits, loaning them fake instruments and having them make believe they are


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