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Re: [ARSCLIST] scotch 227

"Bridavsky, Michael G" wrote:

 I've been reading the list for while and appreciate the information and
 knowledge that is shared here, and I have a question about a particular
 brand/stock of tape.

 Most of our recordings made in the mid-late 80's and easrly 90's was
 recorded to Scotch 226. It's all pretty sticky, but bakes well. I have
 just encountered a single reel of Scotch 227. It seems to be a thinner
 tape than the 226, ad Im assuming it was an economy version of 226. It
 is also sticky, however it does not respond to baking. While the amount
 of deposit left on the heads and guides is minimal, and the tape passes
 through the transport without slowing, the squeal and distortion is
 audible in the transfer.

 Does anyone have any experience with this tape? Any suggestions or other
 treatments that might get it to run smoothly?


I'd say more baking. It's a 1-mil version of 226 and runs 50% longer, so I don't know if that
means a different density. Not an economy version at all. Oddly enough, the first reel I got
was given to me gratis in 1984 by an audio/visual supply house in Edmonton who received it
as a sample and didn't expect to be having any demand for it. (That was the same place that
sold me those BASF pre-cut splice packs.)

I did a lot of mastering on 226 and 227 in the late 80s/early 90s and it's all gone sticky, but I
have yet to need anything off any of those reels..either everything became an issued master or
I have alternate sources. I should get out a roll of 227 and have it baked and see what


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