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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dynagroove, was Record tracking

John Ross wrote:

> At  2/12/2006 07:17 PM, you wrote:
> >Remember the "oil shortage" of the early 70s? That was the reason given at the
> >time. Thinner records, lowered speed limits, switching Daylight Saving Time
> >around..I remember it well. Now they just jack up the prices on everything.
> During that period, US Columbia discovered that they could substitute
> cellophane (or some other clear film) for vinyl. They were buying
> huge rolls of the stuff, without ever explaining to the supplier what
> it was being used for. I don' think it was the same stuff they used
> for shrink-wrap, but some other type of non-pertroleum-based film.
> They claimed it made no difference to the sound of the disks.
> John Ross

The same Columbia Graphophone Company that also foisted the "Shorepak" (tm) on us?
Or did we only get stuck with that glue-free folded-over bristol board in Canada?
Sleeves that wouldn't stay glued, no inner liners, records that weighed less than
dental floss....


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