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Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

That all depends on the speed of the tape you're digitizing and the speed of
your deck. If it's 15/16 IPS and you're playing at 30IPS, you are playing
the tape at 32x realtime and will be able to digitize an hour's worth of
data in 1.875 minutes. I have no idea how this would sound. If the
recordings are at 3.75 IPS and you play at 30IPS you are playing at 8x
realtime speed and can digitize 60 minutes of audio in 7.5 minutes. 

Except for duplication machines and a few rare vintage machines, 30IPS is
the fastest speed you'll find. For that speed you're looking at pro studio
level equipment such as the Sony APR-5003V and the Studer A-807 and A810.
It's not all that common. Not all machines were made high-speed either,
you'll need to check each machine. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Allinaday@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:22 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

I am working with two libraries to digitize their audio content.  The  audio

is now in quarter inch tape format for the most part.
I understand that, for spoken word recordings where absolute top quality is

not a requirement but digitization is, that there are 1/4" machines that
at  higher than normal speed, making the process of transferring a great
tapes  more cost-effective and less time-consuming.  Could anyone recommend 
what  these machines might be and how much time they save.
I would also love help and a recommendation regarding the best
to work with if I have to outsource much of this work.
Thank you,
David Hoffman
_www.thehoffmancollection.com_ (http://www.thehoffmancollection.com) 

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