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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyrights, reissues, etc.

On 25/01/06, Mike Richter wrote:

>> However, I wonder, were the Caruso recordings one of the historical
>> issues that Naxos has pulled from US shelves?
>> Karl
> Absolutely not. In fact, Ward found a second version of a problematic 
> disc while transferring the others so there are two copies in the set.

The Naxos court case was with Capitol, so I would expect the pulled
recordings to be ones from EMI. 

AFAIK none have been pulled here in the UK, so you can buy from

> FYI: I had done some favors for Klaus Heymann, the owner of Naxos, so
> he approved my proposal to assemble a composite 'index' to the CDs as
> a CD-ROM. I built that disc, including Naxos's biography of the tenor
> and some other features, but notably allowing point-and-click
> selection of a 64 Kbps MP3 of anything from the CD-DA recordings. That
> approach was discarded because of cost (not my fault - I never charge
> for what I do); the alternative was to be a paper index to supplement
> the separate indexes, one per (chronologic) volume.
> Unfortunately, they did not recognize how expensive it would be to
> produce and package the paper version. The result is that there is no
> comprehensive index and the set is reduced to what I call a "coffee
> table" recording: essentially unusable except by an aficianado
> prepared to memorize the collection of indexes.

That sounds as though it should be on the Naxos web site.

Don Cox

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