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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD Longevity

Since the paper mentioned below was written, I did test other
phthalocyanine dye and gold metal layered discs. Below is a post I made to
AMIA-L in December.

In some cases you are not sure who actually manufacturers the discs, but
for what it is worth here is a list of gold metal-layered discs with
phthalocyanine dye that I have come across. Not sure if all are currently

Brand - Kodak; Manufactured by Kodak (discontinued)
Brand - MAM; Manufactured by MAM (formerly Mitsui)
Brand - eFilm (Delkin); Manufactured by MAM
Brand - Apogee; Manufactured by ?
Brand - Prodisc; Manufactured by Ritek
Brand - Quantegy; Manufactured by Mitsui
Brand - HHB; Manufactured by Mitsui

I have tested Kodak, MAM, eFilm, Prodisc, and Quantegy and all performed
very well in accelerated aging. All the disc brands manufactured by Mitsui
or MAM performed consistently. Also, I never had any coasters burning the
gold/gold discs to prepare them for experimentation.

Joe Iraci
Senior Conservation Scientist
Canadian Conservation Institute

Maybe I'm reading his tables wrong, but it seems as if the only gold
phthalocyanine dye CD-R tested was Kodak Gold 650MB.  Does anyone know
what other brands fall into this category?


Bob Conrad

Tom, our best bet is to convince Mr. Mazer to use MAM-A or other gold
> phthalocyanine dye CDs which actually may last longer according to
> recently published accelerated aging tests by Joe Iraci.
> Once again:
> http://www.uni-muenster.de/Forum-Bestandserhaltung/downloads/iraci.pdf
> I agree about the album art missing, but please don't assume that
> burned CDs are inferior to manufactured ones. At the very least, it's
> likely to be a non-issue, at the best, it's possible that the burned
> CDs have a longer life expectancy.
> Sorry to nit pick on this, but we have a huge PR problem started by
> the IBM data tape guy in Germany. It ticks me off. FUD simply FUD from
> the company credited with causing the invention of the term (check
> Wikipedia).
> Cheers,
> Richard

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