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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD writing speed

Dick Spottswood wrote:
>For the last 15 months I've copied my weekly broadcasts from hard drive
>cd at 12X speed to prevent errors.  To date there haven't been any.

Oh, there have been errors.  They probably just haven't been
uncorrectable.  Any CD or CD-R has hundreds to thousands of "errors."  The
key is what type they are and whether they can be transparently
correctable.  The error rates that I have noted go up on either side of
4-8X for *my* burner and *my* CD stock.  As I noted before, your "mileage"
may vary, but you should run honest-to-goodness tests of some kind so that
you know for sure what your results are.  If your error rates are high but
still correctable by your equipment, it doesn't mean that you clients (or
future playback devices) will have the same luck.  It is best to find out
where the lowest rate point occurs on the speed vs. error curve for *your*
equipment and use that for anything even remotely important.



Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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