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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD writing speed

At 2:23 PM +0100 1/22/06, Jos Van Dyck wrote:
How do you know the "optimum speed" for a given media and drive?

the little bits of info i've collected (yes, pun) is that the optimum is better predicated upon low errors than jitter. the reasoning is the jitter can be, and usually is, eliminated in a jitter-free DAC. this is in reference to CD-DA pre-masters.

i use the plextools and evaluate media based on error rate *and* jitter performance, doing burns at a range of speeds to see what happens. for audio pre-masters, i use the plexwriter wih Taiyo silver at 16x. for data, 52x. these are for CDR. interestingly, the jitter and error performance were best at 16, so it didn't take too much of my brain, what there is, to make a judgement.

for DVDR archives, 8x on verbatim Medidisk and MAM-A gold DVD.

-- w/best regards, seva mastering engineer http://www.soundcurrent.com

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