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Re: [ARSCLIST] Memorex CDs

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Hodge" <rjhodge@xxxxxxx>
> Not to be a pessimist about this, but unless you've ever performed
component level troubleshooting and replacement of surface mount
> components as I have done over the years, I have no doubt that eventually
there will come a day when the printed circuit boards will become
unreparable. Actually, that day has been with us for some time already.
> Sony for one , when addressing broadcast devices, will only recommend the
replacement of an entire pc board. The subminiturization of electronics has
dictated multi level boards 2 and 3 layers thick.
> This means that the run which occurs on the surface of one board, may go
through 2 or 3 layers of runs befor it surfaces on the next visible layer.
At least Sony will provide schematics of their electronics- even if the
repair is not feasible.  I doubt that many computer based technology
manufacturers will do that. In most cases , they will want you to return the
unit to the factory for repair, and they will simply replace the defective
board.Which leave you at their mercy or existance.  And when the product
becomes " obsolete" or the company goes under, the board level replacements
won't be available either.
> And unless you're set up to solder and unsolder subminiature IC's some
> with as many as 100 or more legs per side - 400 legs total- repair and
troubleshooting just isn't possible.And components which are much smaller to
fit on these subminiaturised boards.  Capacitors used on these boards have a
life span rated in HOURS. And the cheaper the component, the lower life
rating it will have.
> Disassemble a defective pc hard drive  or a camcorder or IPOD of a couple
of years age and have a look at the electronics and you'll see what I mean..
Basically, the assumption in the 21st century is that you don't repair
it...you throw it away and buy a new one! If nothing else, this creates
a problem, since we are running out of "away"...we may yet be the first
civilization to expire from being buried under our discards!

Steven C. Barr

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