Lou Judson wrote:
Curious why you use 48k when it has to be converted to burn listening
CDs... I use only 44.1 unless going to video, and the quality is
better in the end...
In our case at least 16/48 is a a legacy from DAT--our old radio
producer and the audio engineer we worked with for radio both favored
recording on DAT at 48kHz. I guess I also just feel better gathering
some extra data at the source too.
Our listening/backup CDs for use in-house are CD-ROM discs (I don't
CD-DA's for in-house listening), so there's no need to downsample.
Although I have to qualify that by saying we do make CD-DA discs for
interviewee copies and those, of course, I do have to downsample.
Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
3 Court Street ; P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964
akolovos @ vermontfolklifecenter.org