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Re: [ARSCLIST] Another on-line audio resource

Steven C. Barr wrote: 

>Well, the law itself says that only recordings fixed in 1972
>and thereafter carry copyright; however, the maze of state laws
>on piracy, et al provides protection, in many cases with no
>expiry date! Supposedly, the latest version of the copyright
>legislation will render all these state laws null and void...
>IN 2067!

Indeed, one of Canada's major reissue labels (Naxos, I believe) just
lost a suit in New York based on state copyright laws. Naxos had
reissued some 1930s EMI recordings, which are out of copyright in
Canada, and were sued by Capitol who claimed the legal rights to these
EMI recordings.  The New York Courts issued a judgment that pretty
much extended copyright protection back to Edison, Bell-Tainter, and
Bettini cylinders, so far as their state laws are concerned.

Michael Shoshani

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