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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mastering to WAV

At 7:53 PM -0500 12/7/05, Konrad Strauss wrote:
So you can have 16 bit files which are processed at 24 bits and
bounced to disk at 24 bits - retaining the extra bits created by the

one caveat:

any processing via Audiosuite (constructive processing) will write a 16bit file if the session is only 16bit.

therefore, for PT work --the viability of which i support as a platform-- if one is not bouncing, it is valid to import into 24 bit files so that audiosuite has a place to write it's work. ... and yes, processing 16bit data *does* yield 24 bits of usable data (not increased resolution, but high res of the process output)...

w/best regards,
mastering engineer

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