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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mastering to WAV

I think that this thread requires a little basic digital audio theory.

Bit depth: Bit depth determines the dynamic range of your recording. 16 bit
has 96 dB of dynamic range and 24 bit has 144 dB. DAT is limited to 16 bit
(unless you use a Tascam DA-45 which is unlikely). Once a signal is
digitized at 16 bits there is no way to regain the lost dynamic range (48 dB
for 24 bit) by transferring at a higher bit depth. Everything below the 16th
bit is gone forever. For that reason there is no reason to transfer your 16
bit DATs into the computer at 24 bits.

Sample rate: Since your DATs are recorded at 48 kHz its probably best to
transfer them into the computer at that sample rate. If you intend to store
the audio as a file on a server or CD-ROM then there is no reason to convert
them to 44.1kHz, however if you need to make CD copies, or plan to store
them on CD, then they will need to be converted to 44.1kHz since that is the
required sample rate of CD. In this case you have 2 choices: 1) Bounce to
disc, chose 44.1k as the target sample rate, or 2) chose "export selected as
files" from the region menu and chose 44.1 kHz. The latter works at high
speed. In both these cases you can chose a quality level for the conversion.
If you are only interested in making Cdcopys of the DATs, a third way is to
sample rate convert on input - it's been a while since I used a MIX system,
but in HD you can chose this option from the Hardware Setup/Digital menu.
This works in real time as you load the audio into Pro Tools. But if your
goal is to only Make CD copies there are better methods. For example the HHB
CD recorder will sample rate convert a digital input as it burns a CD copy.


Here's a good link to some info about digital audio:


Konrad Strauss
Director of Recording Arts
Associate Professor of Music
Jacobs School of Music
Indiana University

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