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Re: [ARSCLIST] using flat phono preamps (was Incredible savings on DC6 for thi

At 10:19 PM 11/23/2005, Charles Lawson wrote:

Allow me to say that the "balanced" preamp set from Tracer works well but is
very "kludgey" in physical design.  If you get the thing, be prepared to put
the guts in your own box with XLRs on it.  Otherwise, you'll be fiddling with
very amateur connectors, indeed.

That's rather ennoying, but then for the price...

My RTS 405's output is a barrier strip.

Hmmm. I think I have one Amphenol DPDT BNC switch, so if I take RCA-BNC adapters, that will cover switching the cartridge to either of the two preamps and then I can have output switching as well...

Tom: learn one filter at a time and remember the continuous noise filter has several different personalities in the drop-down box. I think it's three in DC6 and four in Live/Forensics.

Do you have an FFT analyzer? I use HPW Works and it saved my bacon on the Diana tapes. I was able to set something like two dozen notches at the odd frequencies that the "medical device" she was wearing during part of one interview was emitting. I tried looking for a fundamental for the harmonic filter to work, but no luck.

Oh and with the harmonic filter, put two in series in the multifilter so that you can filter out both odd and even harmonics.

It's not a simple program. I'm still learning it after having one or another version of it or the other, more ennoying (heck, you can have email, why not ennoyances) DART-Pro since 1998.

I've never burned a CD or done a final edit in DC6-I don't even know its capabilities in that arena. I also use it in the classic mode not the single file mode, 'cause too often I need to go back.



Richard L. Hess richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada http://www.richardhess.com/
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm

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