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Re: [ARSCLIST] VPI cleaning fluid -- any good homebrew recipes?

Kodak Photo-Flo 200 mixed with steam dried distilled water (1:200) is perfect for all discs, shellac or vinyl or lacquers. I've been using it for 6 years and it's the recommended formula for use with the Monks.

dl in gray, drippy Toronto

"Bewley, Nigel" wrote:

> I'd like to hear of any home brews too.  We have a Keith Monks using
> 50:50 distilled water/industrial methylated spirit for use on vinyl (NOT
> shellac because shellac will dissolve in alcohol!!) and distilled water
> with a few drops of Kodak Photo Flow as a wetting agent/detergent for
> 'everything else' (including vinyl).  We're not averse to washing discs
> in the sink either with a mild liquid detergent, soft brush and wet
> fingers, using tap water that has, apparently, been through the cycle of
> reservoir, glass, kidneys, sewage farm and reservoir on many occasions.
> The key is to give the disc a final rinse in distilled water to prevent
> lime scale depositing.
> Greetings from a mild and sunny London.
> Nigel Bewley
> British Library Sound Archive

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