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Re: [ARSCLIST] VPI cleaning fluid -- any good homebrew recipes?

I'd like to hear of any home brews too.  We have a Keith Monks using
50:50 distilled water/industrial methylated spirit for use on vinyl (NOT
shellac because shellac will dissolve in alcohol!!) and distilled water
with a few drops of Kodak Photo Flow as a wetting agent/detergent for
'everything else' (including vinyl).  We're not averse to washing discs
in the sink either with a mild liquid detergent, soft brush and wet
fingers, using tap water that has, apparently, been through the cycle of
reservoir, glass, kidneys, sewage farm and reservoir on many occasions.
The key is to give the disc a final rinse in distilled water to prevent
lime scale depositing.

Greetings from a mild and sunny London.

Nigel Bewley
British Library Sound Archive

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