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Re: [ARSCLIST] reel-to-reel tape

On 23/09/05, Richard L. Hess wrote:
> Hello, Mark,
> This is a track configuration issue of an earlier recording on the 
> tape and the one you're listening to.
> My first thought is the Cassady interview was recorded on a 
> quarter-track machine over a half-track recording going the other 
> direction, but there are many other options as to what happened.
> I had John French make me a 4-channel 8-track head assembly for my
> "FrankenSony" pair of APR-5003V recorders that lets me play four
> tracks simultaneously. The really neat thing about this head is that I
> have infinite height adjustment without changing the head azimuth or
> zenith, so I can tease out any track snippets as long as they are at
> least 0.021 inches wide (or have adjacent silence totalling that
> dimension).
> Try switching between 1/4 track and 2-track heads and see what
> happens.
> If all else fails, there is a good chance that both programs can be 
> recovered without crosstalk. Not a guarantee,  but a good chance.

You can also record a reversed track into a computer and reverse it back
with an audio program - most sample editors can do this.

Don Cox

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