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Re: [ARSCLIST] Any feedback on the status of Hogan Archive at Tulane University (in New Orleans)

>There is a report on page B-1 of today's Times-Picayune that

>"Much of Tulane's Uptown campus was flooded after Hurricane Katrina,
>including the basement of Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, where a jazz 
>archive is stored."

>If this is true, then this collection was moved recently to the basement,
>and this would be a very bad situation.

>I hope this report is not correct.

It is, and is not. It is possible the basement was flooded, but Bruce Boyd 
Raeburn, who at last report was still in Oakland, has reported that the 
Hogan Archive is housed on the third floor of the building. So long as the 
roof and windows were not damaged, the main worry is lack of power for air 
conditioning and ventilation. But he won't know for sure until he can 
return to N.O.

Matt Snyder
Music Archivist
Wilson Processing Project
The New York Public Library

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