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Re: [ARSCLIST] articles against the "domesticated" phonograph

Hello all,

My current research on the "domestication" of the early phonograph has lead to some further questions. I'm a bit stuck at present Perhaps the list can help.

In my research on the transition from the phonograph as a public amusement to domestic entertainment device, I've found plenty of articles by critics, interior design experts, and etiquette experts on how to effectively assimilate it into the home, as well as many advertisements from companies eager to dissuade fears about the effects of this new device, through camouflaging phonographs in cabinets done up in various traditional styles.

So, if these critics and these companies were trying assuage fears and criticisms, where is the evidence? Who, if anyone, was arguing against the phonograph in the home? And on what grounds?

Since women were largely viewed as stewards of domestic life, and since evidence suggests they often had strong input on buying new technologies for the home, I'd think there would be ample evidence of misgivings. There's a growing literature on this (largely focusing on women and allegedly work-saving appliances). But I'm not finding much.

Does anyone know of specific articles that speak against the phonograph as an influence in the home from early twentieth century sources? Ideally, it would be great to hear from the homemakers themselves, but barring that, perhaps there are critics who argued against the domestic phonograph?

Initial online library searches (via Readers Guide Retrospective) have been unsuccessful. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Kyle Barnett


Kyle Barnett
Ph.D candidate
Dept. of Radio-Television-Film
& Doctoral Portfolio in Cultural Studies
College of Communication
The University of Texas at Austin

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