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Re: [ARSCLIST] Theremin, was [ARSCLIST] Unique record-related scents

Lennick wrote:

Capitol came out with an album with a sexy cover in the late 40s, "Music
from Out of
the Moon", featuring original compositions by Harry Revel and the artistry
of Samuel
J. Joffman 

That's Hoffman. He was a dentist.

As well, someone (I forget who) wrote a
concerto for Theremin and Orchestra, which Stokowski featured in the mid 40s
(soloist, Clara Rockmore, one of the Reisenbergs). 

That was Anis Fuleihan - I don't blame you for not being able to remember
that name!

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide
1168 Oak Valley Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
734 887 8145
"Contemporary composers, and at least a considerable number of them, explain
what system they used, in what way they arrived at something. I do not do
that. I think that the matter of the way by which one arrived at something
is, for the listeners, unimportant. What matters is the final result, that
is the work itself." -Grazyna Bacewicz, 1964

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