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Re: [ARSCLIST] long range file storage

Steven C. Barr wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>

In that vein, redundant storage and verification with checksums will
suffice. Three copies may not last the remaining years of the universe,
but there's no law saying that a fourth (or fifth) cannot be provided.
Neither is there a rule saying that the redundant copies need by on
disc; here again optical or magneto-optical or other storage may be
appropriate even if your primary (and fallible) medium is magnetic.

Perhaps what we need is a method of storing digital files on a shellac disc?! They seem to last forever, barring disasters...

Steven C. Barr

Data density may be a problem, though. I believe we would be on even
surer ground if we converted the ones and zeroes to marks impressed on
clay discs. Cuneiform, here we come!


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