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[ARSCLIST] Gates transcription turntable

I am trying to find information about the Gates
transcription turntable. This is a radio station
turntable with a large platter. A few years ago when I
first got this I did an internet search and then had
communicated with someone in I believe NC who restores
these, and knew immediately which model I have and
information about it, and even had a manual. I was
wondering if anyone on this list might know the
person, or might know about the turntable. I am
probably going to sell this in the near future, since
I have not had the time to restore it, and it is very
large and heavy (I mounted it in cart so it moves
about and there is no pressure on the underside. I
live in the Baltimore area in case anyone is
interested when I do get around to selling it.) As I
looked for information recently I could not find much
about it. Gates seems to have been a key person in the
development of the transcription turntable. This
particular one had been in use in radio stations in
the south central PA, the last use was at a gospel
station according to the man I got it from.

We seem to focus so much lately on current technology
that we often forget about the importance of the
earlier equipment.
Any information would be appreciated.
Cheryl Thurber

Dr. Cheryl Thurber email: cthurb@xxxxxxxxx


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