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Re: [ARSCLIST] 2GB limit for audio file formats

Eric Jacobs:

> Sorry if I was misunderstood - the higher sampling rate does NOT
> remove any noise.  I did not mean to upset you.

I was not upset at all.

But it was not clear to me what was truly meant the way you wrote.

Could be beacause English is not my native language.

> The higher sampling rate better captures the impulse noise and makes
> it easier to characterize and differentiate noise from the signal.

This is not as clear cut as you state it.

In a phase linear environment, as most digital gear is, then the small
loss of the above 20 kHz components will not do anything to the shape of
the signal thanks to the phase linear signal chain.

There will be a small reduction of the peak to peak amplitude of the
signal to the tune of a few dB but it makes zero difference for the
click detecting algorithm in my experience

> In actuality, it isn't just the sampling frequency alone, but also
> the choice of transducers.  The right combination of transducers
> together with higher sampling rates will allow post-processing in
> the DAW that can remove most of the noise and leave most of the
> signal intact.

But this can be done even using a Shure M44-7 using 44.1 kHz sampling

I may not like the scanning loss of the conical stylus nor the tracking
distortion from it or the unrefined character of the M44-7 but I can
easily remove the Clicks/Crackle/Noise from the final soundfile.

>  The higher sampling rate is only one
> small part of the process needed to make a high quality
> transfer.

Agreed or maybe 0.001 % or close to zero in my opinon.


Goran Finnberg
The Mastering Room AB

E-mail: mastering@xxxxxxxxx

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to
make them all yourself.    -   John Luther

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