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Re: [ARSCLIST] AV to DV - PC or Mac?

but I'll add that every film maker/editor that I know
uses Macs.  Every last one of them....

Not where I come from. I personally do my work on a PC and would avoid a Mac at all costs. And, when you factor in that the next generation of Macs are going to be running on Intel chips, you're going to need an entirely new OS and therefore new and untested major upgrades to the Mac software.

This is at least partially because of Final Cut Pro (an Apple product).

Which, in my opinion, can't hold a candle to Adobe Premiere Pro or Avid.

Enhanced resolution doesn't hurt

I've yet to see a Mac that works in any resolution higher than what I can do with my PC.

Diamond Productions
Specializing in analog tape & film preservation / restoration in the
digital domain.
Dave Bradley   President

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