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Re: [ARSCLIST] AV to DV - PC or Mac?

At 09:51 AM 6/17/2005, you wrote:
Isn't Soundforge PC only?

Steve Smolian

I was thinking the same thing. So is WaveLab, I believe.

Personally, I don't like anything about PCs.  (They make me think of
Dilbert, which is mildly depressing.) But most work environments call for
them.  It's just a financial reality.  Right now I am working with WaveLab
5.0 which I have found to be functional and easy to use.  But I'm only
capturing audio.

Others could speak to video/film, and for that I might try a parallel post
on the AMIA list, but I'll add that every film maker/editor that I know
uses Macs.  Every last one of them....  This is at least partially because
of Final Cut Pro (an Apple product).  Enhanced resolution doesn't hurt
either, I suppose.

-- Brandon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Damien Moody" <dmoody@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] AV to DV - PC or Mac?

Here's one item for your arsenal: there are excellent peices of software written, or sometimes optimized, for MacOS. Digital Performer and other MOTU (Mark of the Unicorn) products are a good example. Most A/V/MIDI software that run on PC's also run on MacOS - I've never seen a software title become popular unless it is MacOS compatible.

Damien J. Moody
Information Technology Services
Library of Congress
Klara Foeller <klf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 06/17/05 10:55 AM >>>
Dear Colleagues -

I'm at war with my supervisor on the subject of Macs vs. PCs when it
comes to digitizing analog audio & video.  He has a bias against Mac,
while all my periodical & on-line research, plus many consultations with
colleagues in media archiving, broadcasting and production, clearly
indicates that Mac is the strongly preferred system.

Please send ammunition.  Especially if you can quantify in $$$ and/or
lost productivity.  All apocryphal stories welcome.

Klara Foeller,
Curator, Moving Image & Sound Collections
Missouri Historical Society
314 746-4513

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_______________________________________ Brandon Burke Archival Specialist Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6010 voice: 650.724.9711 fax: 650.725.3445 email: burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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