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Re: [ARSCLIST] Longevity of data tape?--

Data tapes shall be systematically renewed on a regeluar basis on a
redundant set of media.
For larger quantites, this can be an automated process e.g. using tape
robots (StorageTek...).
However, 5 years is too long.

An alternative is using a backup service by a provider, who has a Servie
Level Agreement to make sure no information is lost.

Once data is in the digital domain, one shouldn't need to care provided
automated DMSS systems are used.
With the dropping prices, hard disks become a viable alternative, e.g. NAS
with RAID5 storage of several terabytes (EMC...).

For more detail, please refer to the IASA Guidelines on the Production and
Preservation of Audio Objects, chapter 6.

Jos Van Dyck
NGM Archiving Solutions

>On Jun 9, 2005, at 7:46 PM, Ken Hansen wrote:
>>I also would never trust DATA backup for longer than 5 years.
>>The past two places I worked I found this out the hard way.
>>Trying to restore 5 and 8 years old data respectively yielded horrible
>>We then implemented a policy to have all Data tapes checked and re
>>backed up to new AIT tapes with the understanding that those tapes
>>would then be checked in 5 years time.

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