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Re: [ARSCLIST] Reels of spaceflight broadcasts.

I have some 1200 foot reels of this stuff. I think it was a common thing to

What to do with it is a problem. We presume--but don't know--that CBS and
others have these archives.

There is an archive of news at, I think, Vanderbilt University. That might
be a good place to start.



At 08:45 AM 4/28/2005, you wrote:
I'm forwarding this on behalf of a friend. Any help/guidance at all is
greatly appreciated. I knew if this group didn't know, no one would. I will
make sure he's copied on any responses.


I just helped clean out a basement and stumbled onto an interesting find.
The owner had recorded 25 or so tapes of Mylar 225ft lengths of all sorts of
space flight stuff from the 60s. It appears to be from 65-68 or so, covering
the Gemini missions and mayb more. It's all the stuff that was broadcast on
TV, with anouncers like Cronkite and all along with all the NASA missions
broadcasts. I can only guess that he held a mic up to the TV and recorded
this stuff, but the quality is excellent.

So... here's my dilemna. What do I do with it?  It's got to have some
historical value to someone, but who? As fascinating as it is to me, I don't
know what on earth to make of it. Anyone have any suggestions?

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vignettes Media web: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/ Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX

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