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Re: [ARSCLIST] [MLA-L] Requesting feedback on laser turntables

This is my first post.  Sorry if I break any rules (just let me know).  I'm
a record collector (no 78s though), have a music degree, and I have an
addiction to turntables, cartridges and tonearms.  I have a Thorens
TD124,mk2, a Garrard 301, and a Technics sp-15.  I would recommend any of
these "transcription" decks before the laser turntable because of the noise
issue.  I heard a demonstration disk from Chiba of  ELP.  It has been
developed with the audiophile in mind (or that's how the sales pitch
sounds).  You'd still need an ADC.  You'd fight noise issues that could be
greatly ameliorated by changes in cartridges and stylus tips.  My
recommendation would be two used (they stopped making them) SME 3012
tonearms (a 12" tonearm with detachable headshell) and one of the above name
tables for 78s and a SOTA Star Sapphire turntable for 12" vinyl.  The SOTA
has vacuum hold-down like a cutting lathe and flattens just about all warps.
It also has a magnificent sprung suspension (no feedback or environmental
intrusions).  If you have the flexibility to buy used, you can get all this
stuff and a fist full of stylus tips and cartridge choices for less than the
MSRP of the laser table (about $8K if you go hog wild).  I've been using a
true mono moving coil cartridge that has made playing hammered jazz records
a pleasure (10" GNP, Prestige, Blue Note, etc..).  A true mono cartridge
will ignore noise that is perpendicular to the surface of the record
(theoretically 30dB down in level).  Of course moving coils don't have user
changeable stylus tips.  This ignores the need of archivists who need to
choose grooves and experiment with stylus profiles.  But, it sounds better
than a Stanton.

That being said, if I ever get a chance to get a laser table on the used
market for a really good buy, I'd get it (especially since you can play
broken disks).
Phillip Holmes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Smolian" <smolians@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] [MLA-L] Requesting feedback on laser turntables

I'm taking the liberty of forwarding this to the ARSC list.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Henry" <shenry+@xxxxxxxx> To: <MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:04 PM Subject: [MLA-L] Requesting feedback on laser turntables

Hello everybody,

Has anyone out there purchased/considered purchasing/used a "laser
turntable" made by ELP of Japan?  Our library administration is
considering purchasing such a device and has asked the music library for
feedback.  I haven't had much luck finding print reviews, and the
reviews I've found on Websites tend to be rather dodgy and come to some
wildly differing conclusions.

We would be using the laser turntable for preparing streaming audio
course reserves.  The material we would be working with is slightly rare
in that it has not been reissued on CD, but none of the LPs are precious
resources or anything, so wear and tear isn't a major concern.  I
suppose digital technology would streamline the digitization process,
but I'm not sure that justifies the >$10,000 price tag.  There doesn't
seem to be any consensus about sound quality produced by the laser
turntable as compared to a conventional turntable.  I am also especially
concerned about maintenance and repair, since ELP is the only company
that services the turntables, and they are only in Japan.

I would appreciate any comments, and thanks in advance.


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