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Re: [ARSCLIST] Minidisk alternative players

Richard L. Hess wrote:
> The subject has come up on and off list several times about recovering
> minidisks that have had some issues. Also the multi-track,
> semi-standard minidisks are also an issue. How does one play these
> without the machine they were recorded on?
> Does anyone know of a universal MD computer drive that can read MDs
> and pull off essentially anything that is on them?

Look for a Sony MDH-10 MD Data drive (eBay?)

> All leads would be appreciated.

Start here: http://www.esdl.co.uk/

Some of the functions of their software for the MDH-10,
to whet your appetite:

Minidisc Transfer Editor

Direct lossless digital minidisc reading
5x real-time saves time in transfer
Repair and recover audio from damaged minidiscs
Tracks transferred as individual .wav files (default)
Simple to use Drag & Drop interface
Auto-transfer an entire disc
Transfer a 74 minute minidisc in under 15 minutes
Transfer or split a track into subsections using the built in track editor
Easy titling of tracks
Re-ordering of tracks by dragging the title using the mouse
Disc titling
Track deletion
Automatic defragmentation of transferred tracks
Control of SCMS bits (Serial Copy Management System)
Control of audio play features of MDH-10 (Play, Pause, Stop)
Time-code readout during play
Digital transfer of 4 track recording to 2 track audio minidiscs

(I'm not affiliated with them in anyway--I just wish I could afford
their software!)


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