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[ARSCLIST] Questions regarding audio collection of a university-based black radio series


I am accessing an audio collection of 266 1/4" reel-to-reel audiotapes 
of a weekly radio series entitled “Soul of Reason,” which aired on WNBC-
AM in New York from 1971-1986. The series was co-produced by WNBC 
Radio’s Community Affairs Division and the Institute of Afro-American 
Affairs at New York University. The program’s host was Dr. Roscoe C. 
Brown, Jr. The series was created to address the issues of African-
American and Latino communities, and was an outgrowth of the 
ethnic/cultural studies programs that emerged at American universities 
during and after the civil rights era.  

I’m trying to determine the uniqueness of this particular series. I was 
wondering if anyone on the list knows of other university-based radio 
series that developed out of black studies departments/programs 
like “Soul of Reason.” Additionally, I am looking for archives that may 
have audio collections of comparable radio series. Any assistance is 
greatly appreciated. You can reply to me off list.

Tanisha Jones
Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP) program
Tisch School of the Arts, New York University

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