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[ARSCLIST] NEH Grant - May 16 Deadline

2005-2006 National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance
Grants for Smaller Institutions

Deadline: May 16, 2005

NEH Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions help small
and mid-size institutions, such as libraries, museums, and historical
societies, archival repositories, town and county records offices, and
colleges, improve their ability to preserve and care for their
humanities collections. These may include special collections of books
and journals, archives and manuscripts, prints and photographs, moving
images, sound recordings, architectural and cartographic records,
decorative and fine arts, textiles, archaeological and ethnographic
artifacts, furniture, and historical objects. 


Awards of up to $5000 provide support for preservation assessments,
consultations, attendance at preservation workshops, and the purchase of
preservation supplies and equipment. NEH funds may be used to pay
consultant fees, workshop registration fees, travel and per diem
expenses, and the costs of purchasing and shipping preservation supplies
and equipment. No cost sharing is required. All grants are awarded for a
period of eighteen months.

Application materials and instructions are available at:
<http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/pag.html>  The receipt deadline is
May 16, 2005, for projects beginning in January 2006

Summaries of recently funded projects follow. For more information,
contact the NEH Division of Preservation and Access by e-mail at
preservation@xxxxxxx <mailto:preservation@xxxxxxx>  or at the telephone
number below. 

Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions

Division of Preservation and Access, Room 411

National Endowment for the Humanities

1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20506

Telephone: (202) 606-8570

E-mail: preservation@xxxxxxx <mailto:preservation@xxxxxxx> 

Web site: www.neh.gov <http://www.neh.gov/>  and


Recent NEH Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions
awards include:


Jack Straw Productions, Seattle, WA, $5,000

To support a preservation assessment of the organization's audio
collection that focuses on the history and culture of the Puget Sound
region of the American Northwest, and includes public forums, economic
and political programs, music, documentaries, and interviews since 1962.


Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, San Juan, PR, $5,000

To support a preservation assessment of audio recordings created from
the 1950s through 1970s that document political, historical, and
cultural events in Puerto Rico. 

University of the South, Sewanee, TN, $3,500

To support a preservation assessment of the Dupont Library's audio and
video materials, maps, blueprints, museum items, and art, related to the
university, the affiliated Episcopal Church, Sewanee, and the many
writers associated with it.  



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