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[ARSCLIST] Radio archive preservation

Well, I had been intending to send this only to Karl (hence the first names and
oblique references), but I was hoping to ask the ARSC list as a whole soon
enough anyway. So through my lack of attention to detail (stupid reply-to), I
now get
to pick the brains of the whole group. Thanks for your patience and I
any help you can give me.

Alice Johnston

Quoting Alice Johnston <lessesne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello Karl,
> I am student in the PCS program here at the School of Information. I'm
> currently
> enrolled in Ellen's Preservation Reformatting class. For my final paper, I
> would
> like to do a report on the current state of radio archive preservation
> practices
> in the US and in Europe. My current focus is on public radio and non-music
> programming, though the distinction may prove to be unimportant. If you have
> a
> chance, I would appreciate help with two questions:
> 1) Does the United States (or the FCC or the LOC) have any national
> standards
> for radio archive preservation? I haven't been able to locate any, though I
> have found some standards for the BBC, the CBC, and EU countries. I realize
> that the systems are different (nationalized versus privatized), but I'm
> trying
> to determine if there is any model of standards developed within the US which
> a
> radio station *could* refer to (so perhaps I could compare those standards
> to
> the European standards I've found in order to suggest a more consistent
> model
> for best practices).
> 2) I have written to NPR, KUT, and KMFA to find out about current radio
> archive
> preservation standards or practices that they employ and have thus far
> received
> no response. Do you know where I could find this information?
> Thanks so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you at your
> earliest convenience.
> Alice L. Johnston
> Preservation and Conservation Studies
> School of Information
> University of Texas at Austin

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