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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio storage on external hard drives

Hello Karl,

I am student in the PCS program here at the School of Information. I'm currently
enrolled in Ellen's Preservation Reformatting class. For my final paper, I would
like to do a report on the current state of radio archive preservation practices
in the US and in Europe. My current focus is on public radio and non-music
programming, though the distinction may prove to be unimportant. If you have a
chance, I would appreciate help with two questions:

1) Does the United States (or the FCC or the LOC) have any national standards
for radio archive preservation? I haven't been able to locate any, though I
have found some standards for the BBC, the CBC, and EU countries. I realize
that the systems are different (nationalized versus privatized), but I'm trying
to determine if there is any model of standards developed within the US which a
radio station *could* refer to (so perhaps I could compare those standards to
the European standards I've found in order to suggest a more consistent model
for best practices).

2) I have written to NPR, KUT, and KMFA to find out about current radio archive
preservation standards or practices that they employ and have thus far received
no response. Do you know where I could find this information?

Thanks so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you at your
earliest convenience.

Alice L. Johnston
Preservation and Conservation Studies
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin

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