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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference to Feature Technical Presentations

The 2005 ARSC Conference, March 30 - April 2, in Austin, Texas, will feature
a particular emphasis on technical issues. Eleven papers, presented by
leading authorities, will explore a variety of topics, ranging from the
details of playback and restoration, to the design of audio preservation

Restoration sessions will include talks on a new process to eliminate sticky
shed syndrome, the correction of wow and flutter artifacts, and a comparison
of software-based restoration methods.

Sessions focused on preservation projects will include presentations that
examine audio preservation digitization at small institutions, technical
metadata and storage issues for small archives, and the management and
storage of digital audio files.

Talks about grooved media and preservation metrics are also scheduled.

This year's conference promises a rich examination of technical issues and
concerns faced by all recorded sound collectors and archivists.

For the complete preliminary program, registration form, and further details
about the conference, visit http://arsc-audio.org/conference2005.html .

If you have questions about the technical talks, contact Mike Casey,
micasey@xxxxxxxxxxx , or Adrian Cosentini, a.cosentini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,
the ARSC Technical Committee Co-Chairs.

Anna-Maria Manuel ARSC Outreach Committee Chair

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