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Re: [ARSCLIST] WARNING about a new E-Bay identity theft scam...

Dear Mike-

On a later Mac (Powerbook G4) what is the command to "kill HTML" is it
plain text or something along those lines?

On Feb 6, 2005, at 6:24 PM, Mike Richter wrote:

At 02:30 PM 2/6/2005 -0800, RA Friedman wrote:
Yes, this is getting really bad since the "phishers" are now starting
create exact facsimiles of the real sites. I got one for Paypal
The link takes you to a site that looks just like Paypal. It isn't.
rule of thumb is don't log into any site unless you have chosen it
via the
actual URL in your browser. No legitimate site will ever send you an
asking you to log-in.

1. Kill the HTML in all incoming e-mail. The true address is almost always invisible in plaintext, hiding underneath in the HTML.

2. Never click a link in an e-mail; copy and paste so you go to the
which appears to the eye.

3. Do not trust appearances. ebay.com is an eBay domain;
may or may not be.

90+% of my HTML e-mail is spam or phishing. 90+% of my plaintext
e-mail is
legitimate. I've never received a plaintext phishing attempt.



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