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Re: [ARSCLIST] Small sound booth for transfers and restoration

----- Original Message -----
From: "RA Friedman" <yiddishsong@xxxxxxxxx>
> Steven:
> That's approximately what I had in mind, and your
> floor plan is pretty close. The door is where you
> wrote "not to scale" so the counter will have to be
> along the long wall. The powers that be are planning
> on insulated sheetrocked walls. Do you have an
> suggestions for the interior materials? Should we
> carpet the floor? Should we put up any damping
> materials. Suggested placement of speakers?
> Thanks so much for your suggestions.
Well, with the "bench" along the long wall, you gain another three
feet of workspace; you could have rack-mounted gear and two TT's
at the narrow end, and use the rest for various work functions.

I would put the two speakers above each end of the work area,
since the person doing the transfers would be in a chair (one
assumes with wheels) where the turntables and controls can all
be easily reached. Another idea would be a "patch panel" with
inputs and outputs for all the hardware, so connections could
be made simply by plugging and unplugging cords. As well, you
might want some type of mixing board where levels could be set.

As far as things like carpeting, all covering and the like...
these should be set for a comfortable work environment. Keep
in mind they will have no effect on the actual recorded
sound, which you plan to monitor with headphones in any case!
You could also put two smaller speakers in the small 3'x3'
"alcove" for visitors to hear the sound, since this would be
a convenient space for that purpose.

In fact, what I'm thinking of would be very similar to a
radio-station "control room," except the output would be
recorded on CD-R rather than transmitted. You could, for
example, have something akin to a "cue" channel so the
speakers could be killed without affecting the headphones?

Steven C. Barr

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